Outbreak of the BLOG PLAGUE

Heya guys,
If you are getting these weird 'MALWARE' warnings from other 'Little Space Heroes' blogs, it's from the LSH Fanclub, BUT the team know what the probs is, and their tech wizzes are getting on to this issue. You might get a message that will look exactly like THIS:
AND sometimes it just STOPS you going through this warning at all. 
For those other blogger peeps looking for advice, I fixed this on my website by removing all the 'links' that you have from the LSH Fanclub. In this case, I had a bunch of pictures from the LSH Fanclub for stuff like 'Heroes of the Week' that used their direct URL, which spread it. And if you can't be bothered going through all that complicated stuff, I'm sure the team will fix this issue soon and this warning will disappear (I HOPE), SOO you'll just have to be patient! xD

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Thanks for commenting Space Hero :D