New Ways Of Paying Membership- Coming Soon!

Hi heroes,

Batman is here. Today Space Heroes tweeted us about an exciting news ways of paying a membership! More info coming soon. Here there tweets!

Could it be?! Maybe we can buy membership with your virtual SHU coins you earn!
What's do you guys it could be? Comment your thought below!

Thanks for reading,



  1. Omg! I really hope we can use our shu hero money to buy membership. I think thats a very cool idea! :D

  2. Hai Me too but aren't you a member too?
    ~Deltas Twin was here 2013 SHU~

  3. yah i hope
    because i have lots of coins in SHU then i can buy a membership lets wish that it will happen

  4. I really like you idea in a million times, Batman! This is what I am waiting for! I've got 10,850 coins and I even don't know what to do with it! I hope our idea will come true!


Thanks for commenting Space Hero :D