UK Game Cards Exclusive.

Hello there heroes, Cozzza here.
Today I have an exclusive for all of you.
As you all know game cards are now available to buy in Sainsburys-UK.
However if you look on the Game cards page on the SHU website you will see there is also a store called 'Asda'. Because I live in the UK myself, I know Asda well however for all of you that don't. Asda is a store that sells most things.Simple.
Ok,Back to the point.
If you see Asda has a coming soon over it. However for this image you will just have to use your imagination because i forgot about it.

. You can clearly see Asda is on here. I did some digging around and after a while I Direct Messaged @PlaySpaceHeroes (SHU) on Twitter and asked them about this. They quoted "They'll be in ASDA in about a month, we'll let you know :-)"  
So there you have it. All UK Space heroes will soon be able to purcahse a membership card near them. We still don't know if you will receive free in game items with them.
If you have any questions about SHU or memberships do hesitate to comment them and I will try to answer them the best I can.
Thanks for reading this post but for now,
Party On Heroes,


  1. Cards available in the USA? Thats amazing! I live in the USA, Massachusetts. Now I could go check the CVS and 7 eleven stores around the town! :) Cozzza,
    You make a really awesome author on this site!

  2. WHY NOT CANADA??????????????

  3. hehe thx so much for posting coz! EPIC POST BTW!! :D

  4. Thanks Lillia! And please check the offical SHU site before going out to buy some. They might not be there yet! :)
    Party on heroes,
    Cozzza Out!


Thanks for commenting Space Hero :D