New Kritter Tricks!

Hey heroes, Batman is here. Yesterday Space Heroes updates and their were a new Kritter tricks!

You can teach them to Jump or Stay in one spot!

To make them jump, you have to jump and say"(your pet name) Jump".

Stay tricks is very easy to do, you say"(your pet name) Stay".
As you can see in this picture, my Lion Kritter Alex stay in one spot.
So, what's do you guys think of the new updates?
Comment below!


  1. I Want The Wistle Too And I Want A Ball

  2. My pet wont stay and jump is it for members??

    1. NOPE, all for nons! Did you remember to buy the training whistle, LOL I made the same mistake before too!
      You gotta head over to the little kritterz store and buy a training whistle for the tricks to work. Then you have to make ur HERO jump and THEN tell ur kritter to jump! Easy when u get used to it :D

    2. But i have no training whistle all r for members :(

    3. hey np! I'm PRETTY sure that the training whistle is for non members too! :D

    4. Lillia if the training whistle and ball are for non members too it should have all for heroes sign dude and its all for members only Lillia i want that training ball and whistle too :(


Thanks for commenting Space Hero :D